Eighth Mixed Side – GF


Price Estimate is $7.49/lb x 90 lbs. Grass Fed and Grass Finished mixed 1/8th side of beef. All mixed quarters include cuts from hind and front.


Grass Finished beef is now available for sale by the side or by the cut. Our “grass finished” beef has never been fed any barley throughout its entire life. Grass finished beef has a slightly higher cost per pound and is a leaner meat. The average eighth of beef will weigh between 75 and 100 lbs (Sides are sold based on “hanging weight”, that is the weight of the beef after slaughter but before cutting and wrapping). All sides include lean ground beef, roasts and steaks.  Cuts from hind and front side. Price Estimate is $7.49/lb x 90 lbs.

We accept orders online for sides of beef with a 25% deposit on confirmation.